To let you know how much I love you and how perfect I think you are here is a little post just for you Jeremy!!!
So creative!!!
So photogenic last valentines day 08!!!
Such a perfect man!!!
Sweetest guy in the world!!!
The most thoughtful man EVER!!!
He's got the biggest eyes in the world!!!
He is the most handsome man in the world
He's the best dad in the world!!!
He's is the smoothest guy Ever!!!
Our first date May 07!
Jeremy you are the Best Husband and Father EVER!!! I love you more than anything and i am so grateful for all of the things you have done for our family and all of the "little things you do for me!!! You are my best friend.. We always have SO much fun together and even when we argue we end up laughing about it in 10 to 15 min however long it takes me to get over it!! ha ha
I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me and how amazing you are!!! I wanted every one in the world to know how fantastic you are.... I don't know how to do that so i guess a blog with have to work!!!
This is just the start of your gift... You have to work on this love day and that's ok cause like you said it is just another day we can celebrate our love every day and maybe sometime next week!! ha ha but hear is this little love note for now and you will have more to come!!! I LOVE YOU TONS!!!
You know all of the little fiber on tennis balls? I love you as much as all of those fibers on a million ca zillion trillion times a billion!!! yeah that much!!!
ahhhhh.... cute!!!!!!
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